• Logan Hicks Travel North Magnet - Wynwood Walls Shop
  • Logan Hicks TRAVEL NORTH Magnet
  • Logan Hicks Travel North Magnet - Wynwood Walls Shop
  • Logan Hicks TRAVEL NORTH Magnet

Logan Hicks TRAVEL NORTH Magnet

Logan Hicks

Regular price $7.95

Magnet designed by featured artist Logan Hicks in collaboration with the Wynwood Walls. Iron magnet, 4” x 2.7”.

About the Artist


United States

Logan Hicks is a New York-based stencil artist whose work explores the dynamics of the urban environment. Stenciling started as a substitution for screen printing, but quickly morphed into Logan's medium of choice. With his photorealistic style, Logan draws a parallel between the cold, harsh city and a warm, vibrant organism. It is alive; a breathing creature where the ebb and flow of people washing over its sidewalks act as cells circulating through its veins.

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